Vishal-Varalaxmi break up appals Tweeples. With the social media pages almost connecting the celebrities and fans directly without any interruptions, even the simplest tweets become forest fires. Such happened to be an unexpected turmoil last evening when Varalaxmi Sarathkumar announced a breakup message indirectly. “Breakup have reached a new low… A guy broke up a 7yr relationship through his manager. LOL! What’s the world come too… Where is the love…?!’ (Sic).
Does she mean that her relationship with Vishal has broken up? Everything remains vague but it clearly signifies the statement.
Inside sources reveal that both of them had some intrinsic issues over the family members were not happy with each other due to the Nadigar Sangam issues that were hassling it all.
But let us see that things might turn to be better and perfect soon for these celebs.