Actor Suriya has been going through the lidless moments as he wants to offer couple of big releases this year. While the post-production works of his magnum opus ‘24’ is getting close on the heels of completion, the actor has been getting on faster with ‘Singam 3’ starring Shruthi Haasan and Anushka Shetty in female lead characters. There was a strong affirmation before few days from the team that first look of teaser will be launched on February 24, but on the spur of moment, it was pushed to February 29, which kept the fans hooked up with more excitements.
But again, there seems to have been certain delay in the processing of CG works and to a slighter disappointment, the first look teaser release might happen only by next month. It seems that there needs to be more perfection in CG works and that entire team is working day and night over the project. Vikram Kumar of Yaavarum Nalam fame is helming this film that stars Samantha and Nithya Menen in female lead characters with AR Rahman composing music.