Actor Suriya is on the complete spree of non-stop work, where he is taking no breaks between the schedules of his upcoming film ‘Singam 3’. As known earlier, the Suriya-Hari duo is coming together for the 5th time following the grand success of Aaru, Vel, Singam and Singam 2. With Shruthi Haasan and Anushka Shetty playing the female lead roles, director Hari has retained the same star-cast of previous installment in this franchise.
Initially, it was expected that theatrical release of Singam 3 might happen for Pooja holidays, but now it looks like the makers are getting it released for Diwali. It is noteworthy that Suriya had already delivered couple of super hit movies like Aadhavan and 7aam Arivu on the festive occasion of Diwali and now it is going to be the third time. Coincidentally, 7aam Arivu featured Shruthi Haasan in female lead role, which marked her debut in Tamil cinema as female lead.