In the recent times, AR Murugadoss has been giving his earnest support to the best films, actors and producers. It all happened when he launched the trailer of GV Prakash’s Enakku Innoru Per Irukku, which has been getting the best hypes and receptions. Now the filmmaker is onboard to unveil the first look of Arun Vijay’s maiden production ‘Kuttram 23’.
A medical crime thriller by its genre, the film stars Arun Vijay as a cop and ‘Sattai’ fame Mahima Nambiar plays his ladylove named ‘Thendral’. The film is directed by Eeram fame Arivazhagan and is produced by Arun Vijay’s home banner of ICE – In Cinemas Entertainment. The shooting of this film is close on the heels of completion and the makers are planning to release the movie by August.