Vasco Da Gama Movie Review

Vasco Da Gama Movie Review

After a long hiatus, actor Nakhul is playing the lead role in a movie titled ‘Vasco Da Gama’, which is directed by RGK… The film’s visual promos and posters evidently showcased that it’s a movie set in the future times, where an imaginary concept of ‘Good Being Jailed and Punished’ will be the universal law. The film’s directed has crafted the story with this concept.

Well, few stories are good on the paper, especially as a synopsis. But the actual challenge is translating those words into the visuals. Disappointingly, director RGK fails to succeed in this task, which makes the entire process tiresome.

The story is actually good, and the imaginary aspect of future times needs special mention. However, the screenwriting turns out to be a big mess, and that’s where the director should have taken scrutinising efforts to make it appealing.

With such an amazing star-cast, who effortlessly let you go through laughter-riot in most of the films, director RGK has failed to accomplish the best output.

Actor Nakhul has given his best into the film, and we hope, he would consistently work in many films, which will regain his position in the film industry. There are few one-liners that actually tickles our funny bones, especially, the scene where Nakhul and few funny goons clash, and a junior artiste walks into the frame. If there were few more scenes of this sort, the film would have worked out well.

RGK could have worked better on screenplay, and be clear with what he is trying to convey. Better Luck Next time.

Vasco Da Gama Movie Review
  • Our Rating


Verdict: The Basic Idea and Gist is good, but screenplay fails to impress

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