Meippada Sei Movie Review
Meippada Sei is a Thriller Drama that revolves around a group of friends, who are entrapped in a complex situation of unexpectedly bouncing upon a group of miscreants headed by GM Kumar. How these innocent people escape from his clutches and settle the scores form the crux of this story.
The movie opens with a group of friends, a newlywed couple Muthu Pandi (Aadhav Balaji) and Anitha (Madunika) eloping from their village to Chennai. On their way, we are introduced to their lives in the village, and what actually caused them to leave the place. On arriving in Chennai, they come across a notorious group of people, who molest and brutally murder a girl. When these innocuous youngsters try to bring before the law, they face serious issues, and how they battle the odds out is the story all about.
The basic gist of this film is appreciable. Director Velan has come up with a plot that has the entire first half in village and second half in City. If this movie was made with a good technical quality, it would have managed to remain on par with Malayalam cinema, where the strong contents get projected in the right way. The cinematography could have been better
The actors have given their best into their respective roles, and if the characterizations were written much more intensely, they would have got more opportunity to deliver a commendable performance.
The melody duet is good, and the other songs are just passable. The background score could have been better.
Overall, Meippada Sei has a good premise, but it would have worked out well with a gripping and fine-tuned screenplay. Hope the same team bounces back again, rectify the flaws, and deliver a commendable project next time.