Sindhubaadh story revolves around Thiru, a small-time thief, who along with his companion, Super, live their day-to-day life stealing money and valuables from the wealthy people. Situations however change when Thiru's wife gets kidnapped by a gang in Thailand, who seeks a ransom from Thiru. Whether Thiru manages to save his wife from the gangster or not forms the crux of the story.
Born into an NRI family in USA, Avi is a spoilt brat who spends his time being lazy and extravagant. Fed up by Avi`s irresponsibility, his father decides to teach him a lesson or two and sends him along with his best buddy to India.
Once in India, the youngsters discover that they`re required to enroll in college and learn self-reliance before their parents would allow them back in America. What follows during Avi`s eventful stint in India forms the crux of American Born Confused Desi.
The relationship between a grumpy guy and a practical girl becomes complicated when the latter gets tired of the former’s impatient behaviour.
A rural tough guy, known for resolving conflicts in his hometown, confronts a powerful figure when he attempts to mend the difficulties in his marriage after many years.
Sundar, an international business tycoon, arrives in India to vote in the elections - only to find out that there was foul play and someone else cast his vote. His search for the truth will bring him face to face with a host of corrupt and dangerous politicians, but Sundar won`t stop until the scores are settled and justice is served.
Senapathi`s sons have always desired the power and success their father has enjoyed. So, when a coveted spot in the family business - that of city`s most influential gangster - is up for grabs, the three brothers are lured into a collision course. Blood ties will unravel as a bloody battle for power begins.
A carefree man, Ram, leads an aimless life. Despite the consistent effort and sacrifice of his father, Ram grows to be an irresponsible person. Will he ever make his father proud and settle down in his life?
The story of Mersal unfurls in three different time periods, in which Vijay plays three different characters, a doctor, a magician and a village leader from Madurai. In this action thriller film, a magician and a doctor attempt to solve a healthcare threat that is looming large over the country and in the process expose the corruption in the Indian medical industry.
When the former head of an elite counter-terrorism squad goes rogue, a group of agents are assembled in a bid to bring him down. But is there more to the enigma surrounding him than meets the eye?
Thangarathnam is a film, which is based in a village. The hero, a tempo driver carries vegetables from the nearby village to the Ottanchathram Gandhi market where the fundamental rule is that whoever gets the vegetables first, gets the best price. This leads to constant clash between the hero and another tempo driver. How the rivalry between the two affects the love life of the hero and how he comes out of the situation forms the crux.
Suriya is a spoiled brat who deceives girls in the name of romance. Kousalya is one of the victim who falls into his trap. One day, Suriya gets kidnapped and finds himself trapped in a wooden box akin to a coffin. Following Suriya's parents complaint, ACP Devendra Kumar (Rahman) takes up the case. What happens in course of investigation forms the rest of the story.
The journey of a blind chef through a newfound love, a retrieved vision and an invigorating journey of twists, turns and answers along the way.
A loan recovery agent takes on a corrupt head of an educational institution to save his girlfriend.​
Vikram believes to have found his soul-mate in a woman he meets at college, setting off on a journey of life changing experiences.
Vikram Prabhu is a BSF staff posted at the India-Pakistan border. He falls in love with Ranya Rao, a girl from the nearby village. After a chain of events, he gets caught to the Pakistani army torture camp to render demoniac torture and subsequently kill the Indian security staff crossing the border, accidentally or intentionally. The rest deals with what happens to Vikram Prabhu and his love.
A couple finds their child missing and the woman who stole the baby goes into coma. Eight years later, four kids from an orphanage go to a summer camp. And one of them is the lost baby!
Theri is a thriller starring Vijay in the role of a policeman who takes revenge on the villain after his family is attacked.
Ganesh, a devoted brother to his sister Tamizh and a taxi driver by profession, is on a mission to track down three infamous criminals in Kolkata. However, as his pursuit unfolds, questions arise: Who is Ganesh truly, and what drives his relentless pursuit?
Puli is a fantasy adventure film set in two time periods. The film is about Puli, who travels back in time to a fantasy kingdom to save a queen from a tyrant.
Sathyadev, currently on a hiatus from his career, finds himself compelled to don his police persona once more to rescue Thenmozhi, a young woman pursued by a criminal syndicate engaged in organ harvesting, overseen by a figure from his past who haunts him still
A big company tries to take over a village`s fertile agricultural land for its own projects. Jeevanantham, a Hydrology Grad, vows to fight them and reclaim what`s their own.