Caarthik Raju’s debut directorial venture ‘Thirudan Police’ starring Attakathi Dinesh and Aishwarya in lead roles is ready for the music launch. SPB Charan and J Selvakumar are jointly producing the venture. First look teaser came out last week which got very good response. The music of this entertainer is all set to be launched on July 10 in Yuvan Shankar Raja’s music composition
Think Music has bagged the Audio Rights of Thirudan Police. Music launch event is going to happen at Satyam cinemas today.Film’s audio tracklist was out yesterday with 5 songs in total.Out of five songs, two are duets. SP Charan has also lent his voice for one of the song starting ‘Deivam Enbathenna’. So get ready folks for the sweet magic of Yuvan’s Music.