Actor Vishal sometimes has been turning to be more hyper active when it comes to raising funds for Nadigar Sangam building. In fact, he had initially promised that the entire league of young actors would be coming together for a multi-starrer film, directed by Venkat Prabhu and the collections made through this film will be used for the construction of Nadigar Sangam new building. But soon after winning the elections, he didn’t show up with these signs and later decided to play Star Cricket, which was held in accordance to raising funds.
Unfortunately, the Star Cricket didn’t happen well and the expected collections couldn’t be made as the crowd was terribly less than what was anticipated. Just speaking to the media channels about this, Vishal expressed his grief and infuriation saying, “The loss incurred through this cricket match doesn’t lie on the shoulders of actors like us, but Tamil Nadu audiences are responsible for this. We actors will soon appear in TV serials and torture the viewers to make up for the loss.”