Chiyaan Vikram has been rigidly sticking to the schedules of his upcoming film ‘Iru Mugan’, where he plays an undercover agent. The film is directed by Arima Nambi fame Anand Shankar and is produced by Thameems, who earlier co-producer Puli starring Vijay, Shruthi Haasan and Hansika Motwani in lead roles. Now the entire crew has managed to complete couple of schedules following which, they will be soon flying down to Bangkok for the next one involving some talkie and action portions.
According to the reports, Vikram will complete Iru Mugan by end of May and will start working on ‘Garuda’ by first week of June. The film is directed by Naan Sigappu Manithan fame Thiru and has Kajal Aggarwal playing the female lead character. It has been confirmed that Bollywood actor Mahesh Manjarekar has been signed to play the baddie in this movie. He made his debut in Tamil cinema through antagonist role in Ajith Kumar’s Arrambam.