The most fondly ennobled ‘Premam’ girl has been keeping the guys out here in Tamil Nadu for her arrival in Kollywood. Well, things turned to be more exciting, when it was affirmed that Sai Pallavi will be playing the female lead opposite Karthi in Mani Ratnam’s untitled next. However, on the spur of moment, there were some claims that she would be walking out of the project due to the project taking long time to take off. This indeed had created a sort of worried gesture among her fans, but now we hear it all straight from the shoulders of Sai Pallavi herself.
Yes, she has tweeted saying that it’s a mere rumour and her tweet goes as follows. “There r many rumours going around; thought I’ll personally clear things: No-one will ever have d heart to walk out of a Mani Sir’s film. Neither did I Sir being a legendary director knows who’s best for d character & as a caring person knows what’s best for me too. Mani Sir was kind enough to explain things based on developments in the script. For his stature he needn’t have. Being an ardent fan of his work I’m as excited as everyone for this film…” (SIC)