Two months back Actor Sarath Kumar announced his next movie titled Sandamarutham, with two heroines Sarayu and Avani Modi. Sarath Kumar plays a dual role in the movie and A Venkatesh is the director. Samuthirakani is also playing a significant role on the film while music is handled by James Vasanthan.The shooting is progressing at a brisk speed and the director is planning to wrap up the film by mid august.
The latest news is that original heroines are replaced by two Mollywood heroines. Avani Modi is replaced by Oviya who was last seen in ‘Yaamirukka Bayamey’ and Sarayu has been replaced by Meera Nandhan as she couldn’t allot the required dates for the film. Another news is that Sarathkumar who has written the story has chalked out a pivotal role for his better half Radhika Sarathl Kumar. Film is shaping up as complete action thriller. Lets hope Sarath will deliver a powerful movie.