“Nan periya ayittangaran avanum. Area la ellarum enna paattha bayappadanum”, Pavel Navageethan roared in the recent ‘Madras’ movie in the prominent Viji character. With overwhelming acting offers, he is eagerly waiting for his ‘Kuttram Kadithal’, produced by JSK Film Corporation and Chris Pictures and directed by debutant Bramma.G
Pavel Navageethan says, “Kuttram Kadithal” has been the greatest expectation among my current projects as it has been selected in 16th Zimbabwe International Film Festival and 16th Mumbai Film Festival. Pavel is playing Udayan, in Kuttram Kadithal which is totally a different color when compared with Viji in Madras. Basically being a writer and director, he is confident that Kuttram Kadithal would be both critically acclaimed and a box-office hit.
Kuttram Kadithal is looking forward its presence in other few festivals and is likely to be released in November 2014.