Siddarth-Prithviraj starring ‘Kaaviya Thalaivan’ is getting ready for release on November 14 and the censor board film certification members have passed ‘U’ certificate. Directed by Vasanthabalan, the film has been made on a lavish scale from what we have seen of its trailer and songs. Siddharth and Prithviraj play budding young actors in this film. Other characters includes Vedhika, Nasser, Anaika sotti, Pon vannan, Thambi Ramayya and Babu antony.Cinematography was handled by Nirav shah and editing by Praveen KL & NB Srikanth.Movie is produced by Y Not studios.
The film is about the theater artists who existed during the pre-independence era early 20th century during 1930’s. AR Rahman has composed music and his songs are super hit already. It has been touted that the film will have 14 songs. The movie will be distributed in the United States by ATMUS Entertainment, whose representatives confirmed the release date on Twitter last week. Hope Vasanthabalan will deliver a good film like his previous Veyil and Angadi theru. All the best to Kaaviya Thalaivan team.