Mohan Das is a crime thriller movie written and directed by Murali Karthick featuring Vishnu Vishal, Aishwarya Rajesh in the lead roles.
Raid is written by Muthaiya and directed by Karthi featuring Vikram Prabhu and sri divya in lead role.
Ghost is an upcoming Kannada heist-thriller written and directed by Srini featuring Shiva Rajkumar in lead role.
John, a New York-based undercover agent, and his team is entrusted with a secret mission to bring back the leader of the team, Mr. K. John, who has gone missing mysteriously.
Good Bad Ugly is an upcoming movie written and directed by Adhik Ravichandran featuring Ajith Kumar in lead role. Movie is slated for 2025 release in cinemas.
Robinhood - #VN2 Mythri Movie Makers starring Nithiin as lead actor. Directed by Venky Kudmula, Music by GV Prakash Kumar, Produced by Naveen Yerneni & Y. Ravi Shankar under Mythri Movie Makers Banner.