Presenting the official teaser of “Yamakaathaghi” starring Roopa Koduvayur, Narendra Prasath and others. Directed by Peppin George Jayaseelan. Music Composed by Jecin George
Crew: Story, Screenplay and direction by Peppin George Jayaseelan DOP: Sujith Sarang Editor and Colorist: Sreejith Sarang Music Director: Jecin George Dialogues: S Rajendran Art Director: P Joseph Babin Sound Design: Sync Cinema Sound Mixing: Aravind Menon DI: Sarangs DI Stunt Director: Murali G Casting Director: Regin Rose Lyricist: Gnanakaravel S Rajendran Production Executive: Manavai Logu Creative Producer: Sujith Sarang PRO: Sathish Siva (AIM) Publicity Designer: Ananthu S Kumar (Ident Design Lab) Executive Producer: Venkat Rahul Co Producer: Ganpathi Reddy Producer: Srinivasarao Jalakam Global distribution by Yeshwa Pictures
Label: Saregama India Limited, A RPSG Group Company