The Film ‘Moone Moonu Vaarthai’ is produced by Capital Film works of SP Charan who is known for his choosy screen concepts. The bi-lingual film is directed by Madhumitha with debutant Arjun, ‘Suttakathai’ Venky , Athithi, Singer SP Balasubramaniam and Actress Lakshmi in the cast. “The songs composed by the debutant Karthikeya Murthy was released in a pool of audience on the festival day of Kaanum Pongal”
The evening started with a flash-mob dance from the team. The director introduced the debutant Music Director to the audience. The debutant music director Karthigeya moorthy who was resembling the ‘Mozart of madras ’AR Rahman enthralled the gathering with his out-block performance by singing the song ‘Ketta News’ written by Subbu, the director of the movie ‘SuttaKathai’. Following, SP Charan introduced the technicians who are debuting in this film and thanked all the senior casts for guiding with the bunch of youngsters.”
Lyricist Madhan Karky said “Director Madhumitha wanted the song ‘Sayora Sayora’ as a conversation between a boy who dares to do anything for love and girl who needs a simple-honest love. The theme was sounded so new to me. Hope the song will be a treat for the youngsters”.
“It was my dream to make SPB sir sing for my composition. But this script doesn’t had a scope for it. I insisted the director to have a song in the place of background score. Thus I made my dream happened by adding ‘Vaazhum Kalam’ sung by the legend SPB sir.” Said the Music director Karthikeya Moorthy with excitement.
Director Bhakiyaraj and Producer-Actor Swaminathan of Lakshmi Movie Makers released the audio. Bhakiyaraj expressed that “I was very happy while acting in the film. It was like a school excursion with this young team. It always inspires me, When I see SP Charan introducing new talents to the industry. “Lakshmi Movie Makers Swaminathan said” like all other talents introduced by Capital Film works, I wish this team also reach heights.”
SP Charan the producer of the movie called all the entire supporting crew from the technical side and felicitated them. “I would like to thank all the parents of my team for being a great support to their children.” Said SP Charan, the ever generous gentleman.