From the beginning, Kaththi has been under the radar of few Tamil groups. Pro-Tamil groups have been opposing the release of the film Kaththi alleging that its producers-Lyca Productions, have close business bond with Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa. They targeted Satyam Cinemas, a popular multiplex in Chennai, before it was to commence online booking for the Kaththi. An unidentified group allegedly broke glass panes and threw crude petrol bombs inside the complex. Another theatre in the city, Woodlands theatre was also not spared; stories report that stones were thrown on this theater.
This is the second consecutive film of actor Vijay that has run into similar trouble. His earlier film Thalaivaa too had faced opposition and was released two weeks after its launch in other states. Movie theatres had then received bomb threats.With this, all signs of ‘Kaththi’ bookings opened last night shut down quickly. However the movie would be hitting screens overseas for sure as booking has been started in other countries. Meanwhile, everybody in the their social networking pages, posting the on-goings in the city, standing up for ‘Kaththi’. This is definitely not a good happening to tamil cinema. Starting from vishwaroopam, thalaivaa and now kaththi. Whose film is next??