Vanavarayan Vallavarayan, an upcoming Tamil comedy film written and directed by Rajmohan, whose debut was ‘Kunguma Poovum Konju Puravum’. This film stars Krishna, Monal Gajjar, Vijay TV fame Ma Ka Pa Anand, Niharika Kareer,SPB Charan, Sowcar janaki and Jayaprakash. To add more spice to the cast, Santhanam is acting as a guest appearance. Film is set in the backdrop of rural Coimbatore.
The film, which features musical score by Yuvan Shankar Raja is currently in post production stage. Audio is all set to release on May 5. This is going to be the first album of 2014 from Yuvan after he had embraced Islam. Lets wait till May 5 to listen what Yuvan has in his bucket for his fans.